WORK WITH MEAre you feeling overwhelmed and paralysed by the world's problems?
Or are you overworking and burning out?
Do you get too frustrated by greed and ignorance to care any more?
Are you worrying whether you do the right thing for the right reasons?

My name is Erica Lewis and I have been involved in taking action for social justice and the environment most of my life. This means I know what it’s like to get paralysed and overwhelmed at the enormity of it all. I used to feel guilty about my ineffectiveness and then burn out from trying to over compensate for my uncertainty and confusion.
However, I now have a fundamentally different understanding of how we create our human experience and how I am connected deeply with my true self, other people and the planet. So I am much freer, calmer and sure of what to do.
I now focus on supporting people like you to get more out of yourself and your life, uncover your innate resilience and well-being so you have more impact in creating a better future and a more beautiful world.
Working with me means getting clearer about what you want to do to contribute to a better world, and taking inspired action to make it happen. You will deeply understand how you create your experience which means less frustration, despair, self-judgement or exhaustion, and more clarity about how you, and other people tick. You’ll better appreciate your particular gifts and abilities that make a difference.
Here is a 15 minute talk called ‘Inspiring Action for a better world’ that I gave at a conference in November 2017
It would be so easy to get angry and frustrated....
people own as much as the poorer half of the world's population combined
ppm of carbon in the atmosphere, 55 more than the 350 limit to avoid runaway climate change
times as many people in the world kill themselves as die violently
or more species a year are becoming extinct – 100 times more than normal
prisoners of conscience supported by Amnesty UK in 2015
homeless children in Britain – double what it was eight years ago
But what if there were a more powerful way to effect change than burning yourself out trying to make a difference?
Read my blog
Resilience workshops Autumn 2018
I'm running a series of workshops in both Teignmouth and Totnes this Autumn. If you are helping to make the world a better place, this could be for you. Perhaps you work in the public sector, a social, charitable or ethical enterprise, or are involved in campaigning...
How listening uncovers peace
A few years ago I met Jo Berry, whose father, a British Member of Parliament, had been one of the five people murdered by an IRA bomb in Brighton in 1984. Jo had vowed that she would seek to understand why her father died and in response find a way of bringing good to...
Playing small does not serve the world
In his inauguration speech Nelson Mandela quoted from Marianne Williamson's 'A Return to Love': 'Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask...
Even Trump is perfect as he is
“I haven't been following it, I feel nothing at all,” said a friend when we were discussing the outcome of the recent American presidential election. I winced. How could she not care? “If it's bothering you, it's your projection,” she said: “All is well and all will...
“Get Over Yourself, There’s Work To Do”
Hello world! Welcome to my very first blog post. Last year I made a pledge. It came at the end of a five-day full immersion environmental leadership course during which I'd been shaken up, put back together again and and encouraged to articulate my quiet inner voice....
Work With Me
My offer is to be alongside you on the way, highlighting your strengths and abilities, knowing you can trust your hunches, seeing beyond your self-doubts and challenging you to take bold action.

You will experience a transformative understanding of who you truly are and what you are actually capable of. Getting a deeper understanding of yourself and where your experience comes from means you will act from a profound place of clarity and quiet certainty, equipped to contribute what’s important to you and take on the challenges of the world free of self doubt or judgement.
Together we design a tailored one year programme to support you on your journey which will probably include a number of full days together away from your usual routine in some lovely countryside, regular coaching sessions face to face or on Skype, practical support with any particular challenges you have, access to all webinars and training I run and whatever else occurs too us to support you in your exploration.
My fees are on a sliding scale depending on your circumstances and what our work together entails. I offer a ‘pay what you can’ option for volunteers and people on low incomes.
Working with me in this way is a significant commitment of your resources and I want it to be the right fit for you. So I offer a couple of no cost exploratory sessions where we can find out more about each other and what you would love to achieve before you decide whether to work with me. Please do click on the button below to fix a time to get started.
I would turn up at a coaching session with Erica very distressed about something. I would come away each time with insights and increased understanding, calm and at peace. After a few sessions there was a sort of magic that happens within – a knowing that everything is going to be alright.
Thank you, Erica, your sessions have enriched my life, given me greater perspective and uncovered my resilience.
Working with Erica has been really easy - she seems to naturally create a safe space within which it is possible to have conversations about absolutely anything. I have had many and various 'aha!' moments - often about things I didn't even know were on my mind. When we've talked about something that's been troubling me I (somehow) always seem to be able to work out what I need to do next - without really understanding how I've got there or feeling like it's taken any effort - it just all falls into place.
For me working with Erica has (mostly) involved having a really nice time over a cup of something pleasant with somebody who listens in a way that leaves me feeling truly heard.
Because Erica was understanding and genuinely interested in me I trusted her which meant I found it easy to explore what was going on for me and to get a new perspective. I now know that feelings pass, I just notice them and do not need to fight them.
I worry less and no longer need to plan to the nth degree but hold things more lightly. Whilst working with Erica I managed to take the momentous leap of leaving my job! This was totally the right thing to do and I was supported by Erica as I did so. I am very grateful for her help as I move into new avenues of work and an improved work/life balance. Thank you Erica.