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Resilience workshops Autumn 2018

Resilience workshops Autumn 2018

I'm running a series of workshops in both Teignmouth and Totnes this Autumn. If you are helping to make the world a better place, this could be for you. Perhaps you work in the public sector, a social, charitable or ethical enterprise, or are involved in campaigning...

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How listening uncovers peace

How listening uncovers peace

A few years ago I met Jo Berry, whose father, a British Member of Parliament, had been one of the five people murdered by an IRA bomb in Brighton in 1984. Jo had vowed that she would seek to understand why her father died and in response find a way of bringing good to...

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Playing small does not serve the world

Playing small does not serve the world

In his inauguration speech Nelson Mandela quoted from Marianne Williamson's 'A Return to Love': 'Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask...

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Even Trump is perfect as he is

Even Trump is perfect as he is

“I haven't been following it, I feel nothing at all,” said a friend when we were discussing the outcome of the recent American presidential election. I winced. How could she not care? “If it's bothering you, it's your projection,” she said: “All is well and all will...

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“Get Over Yourself, There’s Work To Do”

“Get Over Yourself, There’s Work To Do”

Hello world! Welcome to my very first blog post. Last year I made a pledge. It came at the end of a five-day full immersion environmental leadership course during which I'd been shaken up, put back together again and and encouraged to articulate my quiet inner voice....

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